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N1 Fitness Podcast

Apr 25, 2022

I’m SUPER excited to share this Animal-Based Reset episode with you because it’s been in the making for over 3 years! As you know, I have 2 autoimmune conditions (Eczema & Arthritis) as well as a stubborn digestion issue that I’ve been working on resolving. Fortunately, I’m feeling better than ever and I feel...

Apr 18, 2022

Vegetables are the bees knees right!? The more you eat the healthier you’re going to be, right!? Well not necessarily…many of my clients tolerate most vegetables just fine, however some of my other clients aren’t so lucky! In this episode of the podcast, Marcus is sharing his insights in regards to what veggies...

Apr 11, 2022

We hear all sorts of things about Dopamine, most of which aren’t actually even true…it’s a very misunderstood chemical! In this episode Marcus is chatting about what dopamine is, why a dopamine detox isn’t even physiologically possible and how to use this amazing chemical to your advantage when it comes to...

Apr 4, 2022

Is it true…does muscle weigh more than fat? Also, just how fast can you gain muscle and how long does it take to lose a substantial amount of fat? In this episode Marcus is going to answer all of these questions and clear up the confusion for good! Enjoy!



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