Sep 27, 2021
‘I just want to be happy.’ ‘I just want you to be happy.’ ‘I’m happy if you’re happy.’ What if our hyper-focus on happiness is a flawed perspective, being that happiness is just one of many emotions that we experience on a day to day basis? In this episode Marcus is delving into happiness as a life goal,...
Sep 20, 2021
The supplement industry is massive, we’re talking $150+ billion massive, but how do we separate the hype from what actually works? In this episode Marcus is delving into how he approaches supplements for fat loss, muscle gain and health with his clients as well as what his personal supplement regime is! Creatine,...
Sep 13, 2021
Do you feel anxious on Sunday even though you logically know that there is no reason to be? The Sunday Scaries are incredibly common and in this episode Marcus is delving into the why behind Sunday anxiety, how he eliminated his and exactly how you can too! Fortunately, you have a lot more control in in the matter than...
Sep 6, 2021
There are a very specific set of habits that all of my most successful clients integrate and implement in order to achieve awesome results…and in this episode, I’m going to outline all 7 along with some bonus insights around aspects that you might have thought would matter a lot in regards to fat loss, that in...